Developing Leaders from Within

Developing Leaders from Within

One mistake that we’re probably all familiar with is the scenario around promoting your best worker in any given discipline to a management position. Many times, the promotion doesn’t end up working out – either the new manager gets frustrated and leaves, or the company is disappointed in the performance of the new manager. Sometimes it works, and that is fabulous! However, there are some common themes at play here in the situations where it doesn’t quite work.

Being a technical expert doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will have the skills to manage people. There are different competencies required for managing people. Sometimes, while a management position might seem attractive to a skilled worker, when they realize the amount of time they need to spend on people issues, managing projects and supervising other peoples work, they sometimes realize they miss the work they used to do. They enjoyed being a technical expert and miss that part of their new job.

So, what is the best way to develop that internal leadership pool? Have ongoing conversations with employees to find out what their goals are. Let them know what leadership entails – be honest with the types of knowledge, skills and activities will be required. Try an assessment – what strengths does the potential candidate possess? Where do they need to develop? A 360 Leadership Assessment gives a good indication of what an employees’ direct reports, peers and supervisors think of their abilities. It also serves as a great starting point for a personalized development plan into leadership opportunities.

A customized emerging leader development plan can be tailored to the individual and provides them with the education, coaching and skill development required to move to the next level.

If you are interested in hearing more about how an emerging leaders program would work within your company, give us a call using our contact information. We’d like to help you focus and thrive in your company.


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